Friday, February 1, 2008

Guides for Choosing Your Perfect Wedding Favor

Similar to all the other items in your wedding, you would like to make your wedding favor as perfect as possible. In fact the idea of perfect wedding favor should be defined as the most suitable favor. You have plenty of different choices for your wedding favor. Even one party favor shop can give you hundreds of different options. However, a natural question which follows will be how you choose the most suitable one.

As mentioned in the previous paragraph, you will have a lot of different choices for your wedding favor. You may find yourself lost if you start searching from different shops and websites right the way. In fact you should try to narrow down your choices in order to find the most suitable favor. First of all you will need to ask yourself what you want to convey to your guests. You can search for some special designs if you want your wedding favor to reflect you. On the other hand, it will be totally different if you would like to give your guest something useful.

Putting your photos on the wedding favor is a popular choice if you want something that can represent you. You can put your photos on the package of the wedding favor, no matter it is a pack of candle or a small box of cookies. You may even use your photos to make the cover of a CD album and use it as your favor. However, you have to consider if your guests would like to get something with your photos on it.

On the other hand, you can choose to send your guests something useful. Of course you may not choose cash as your wedding favor. However, a gift certificate from either a restaurant or a department store can certainly be a perfect idea. An elegant ball pen can also be a good idea.

You may also consider something which is eatable. In fact it is very common for couples to choose such kind of wedding favor. You may prepare boxes of candies to send to your guests. For a small wedding, you may even prepare the food according to the taste of each guest. You may give your best friend Tony a small bottle of honey. On the other hand, you will give your teacher in the high school a box of chocolate. Of course it will be a bit difficult to do that if you are going to have a wedding which is very large in scale.

You can start searching for the wedding favor when you have a basic idea about that. You have to bear in mind that you should not just visit party favor shops. In the example of a gift certificate, it is very clear that you should approach something like a department store instead. On the contrary, you will need to contact the companies which offer services to print your photos on the chocolates if you would like to adopt this option of printable chocolates. The sky should be the actual limit when you are searching for your wedding favor.

About the Author: Jerry Leung is a wedding invitation designer with great interest in Chinese Style Wedding cards. He designs unique Personalized Wedding Invitation Cards. Besides, he runs a blog on weddings to share his ideas on items such as Beautiful Vintage Wedding Dresses. You can also find Singapore Wedding Vendor Directory from his website.

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