Monday, January 28, 2008

Weddings Should Always Be Romantic

We have all been to the weddings of family members or friends as they are a common occurrence in any family and in your social circle. There is nothing like the personal romantic weddings of the days of yore when people were making strong personal commitments to each other. Unfortunately, these days we are finding more and more that the marriage ceremony is becoming less romance related due to the fact that people are getting married for so many different reasons now without love and romance being the major reason. One of the reasons people are rushing to get married today is for the financial benefits of being married. In some countries there are additional benefits to those that are married especially in the housing market. For example being able to buy a bigger or better house based on two earnings makes repayments easier. However buying a house together can never replace the true feelings of love and wanting to spend a lifetime together building "a real home". Without that the house can never be a home! Some pension and health care providers will make benefits payable to spouses that are not given to couples living together. Getting married to allow your significant other access to your medical benefits although in itself is not a bad reason to get married it needs love and romance to be present as well. I also came across young coupled of students which decided to marry in order to get assessed as being independent from their families and parents, in order to ensure the parents don't have to contribute to college fees and more - there are cases in which parents are not willing to contribute even when the state assesses that they are able to, and reduces all student grants in accord. Wedding is then either rushed into without enough thought or brought forward too soon, without regard to its life-time durations which a relationship goes into. When it all falls down, however, the romance is not always totally lost. Many couples are able to still ensure that they have a flame lit during their marriage ceremony that ensures the sparks will forever be enflamed in their relationship. It is the couples that have worked at building these romantic relationships before and after the marriage that are able to rekindle their flame when times get rough in their relationship. Getting married should not be treated as a business proposition. So, ensure that you take all the necessary steps to encourage a healthy relationship that will last through the test of time and ensure that you get married for the right reasons and not the wrong ones.

About the Author: Romantic weddings resulting from strong personal commitment to each other are becoming scarcer as more and more people marry for reasons other than romance. Married couples enjoy some financial benefits such as better affordability for housing. Some pension and healthcare schemes offer special benefits that are payable to spouse. Students rush into marriage to show they are not dependent on parents and their contributions to college fees. Such students hope to increase their chances of obtaining grants. However, the majority of couples live together in wedded bliss, cemented by their romantic relationships. Marrying for the right reasons will ensure that the lamp lit during the marriage ceremony burns brighter and longer. Romantic weddings used to be much more significant events in the past than they are today. Many couples enter into the marriage ceremony for financial reasons rather than romantic ones. One reason for this is the ability to buy a better house. Another important factor is health benefits, which are often available only to married couples. For some young people, another reason to rush to marry is to be financially independent from their parents in order to receive more financial aid. Marriages made for financial reasons sometimes survive, but only through hard work. Anyone who is considering getting married should make sure that they are doing it for the right reasons.

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