Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Give A Funny Wedding Speech

Delivering a speech isn't for a lot of people. Public speaking at your own wedding? How about a funny wedding speech? That is, for a greater part of the public, the absolute worst experience possible. You have to stand up and make comments that people will remember in association with this most important occasion in your life, without giving undue resentment to anyone.

As a matter of fact, remember the cardinal rules of public speaking: Tell the audience what you're going to go over. In particular, keep the tone merry, and keep an air of levity in your presentation. Make them giggle. Make them grin.

If you're the groom, thank everyone who helped you with the wedding. Sometimes, being the groom at a wedding is sort of like being the prize steer at a stock show. The wedding planner coordinates everything, your bride-to-be is springing out over all the details, and all you have to do is wear a black tie, hand her the ring and not screw up.

Commend your bride. Exalt the bridesmaids. Reverence your bride's family, and thank them for raising the wonderful woman you're spending the rest of your life with. Praise your best man, and spell out that the inceptive duties of the best man were to feud off the brides brothers and cousins while the groom had time to abscond with her through a window for a massive elopement.

Do take the time to point out your individual friends in the audience. They'll appreciate it later, when they get singled out by the company of the wedding party trying to set them up. Do take the time to thank your parents for helping finance the ceremony.

And then, you need to address a toast. Now, you've proposed a toast to your wife, your future in-laws, and your parents, so the limits of duty have been satisfied. The final commencing toast is normally meant to be funny, but be aware of the preference of the wedding party. Something that's slapstick to a person in their 20s may be downright horrid to their grandparents, and you don't want to go down as being the man who offended everyone. Here are some gems:

"Here's to our wives and our loves. May they never meet."

"I've put this date in my calendar. The best way to remember a wedding anniversary is to forget it once."

"Marriage is the union where man and woman become one. The trouble comes in when they try to decide which one."

If you're the best man, you have the best gig at the wedding. You get to tell stories about "Remember when" and embarrass the groom. In particular, praise the bride-to-be to the high heavens, then ask her if she's taken leave of her senses for marrying your consort. She'll laugh, everyone else will laugh, and the festivities can begin. So, delivering a funny wedding speech isn't that hard after all.

About the Author: Mark Pommett is a Las Vegas Wedding Videographer with over 10 yrs exp in wedding video documentaries. In addition, he's worked in production for several films including "Click" starring Adam Sandler. For weddings in jackpot neveda visit www.vegasweddingvideography.com.

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