Music makes your wedding ceremony special.
"If music be the food of love, play on!" ... so wrote William Shakespeare. Are you wondering how to make your wedding day stand out as a truly magical occasion? Live music may well provide the solution to your dilemma. Whether it's in the form of romantic melody, upbeat Swing Jazz or exotic world rhythms, the live musical experience adds a unique presence and excitement to any event.
At which points in the wedding ceremony is music most appropriate?
The focal point of the wedding ceremony, whether church or civil, is the public exchange of promises between a man and woman in front of their family and friends, to love and care for each other for their lifetimes. The ceremony sits right at the heart of a very special day. Live music, introduced judiciously, is a device that can greatly increase the sense of occasion as the ceremony unfolds.
The musicians can play softly in the background as the guests gather together before the service starts. An appropriate choice of music can of itself announce and accompany the entrance of the bride. A song or short musical performance during the signing of the register provides a contemplative focus for your guests. The sense of celebration can be fully released through the choice of joyful music as the newly-married couple receive congratulations.
Selecting the music and musicians for a religious wedding ceremony.
The wedding ceremony in a religious setting carries an ancient tradition. In England, the sound of the organ, choirboys and a peal of bells instantly springs to mind. Whatever your persuasion, there will be a long tradition of music appropriate to each moment in the service. Making use of that tradition links your marriage service with the generations of couples who have made the same promises contained in the wedding ceremony down the years before you.
Whether you decide to stay firmly within traditional guidelines or break away, make sure you talk through your choice of music with the minister who will be officiating at the ceremony. The music you choose must be of a sacred nature, and he or she must feel happy that it will fit with the tone of the service to be conducted.
The music you choose needs to be appropriate to the size and style of the religious building in which the service is taking place. Classical chamber music generally fits into this scenario well. You might consider a string quartet ... or if the venue is smaller, a duo comprising an accompanying instrument such as the piano or guitar with a top-line instrument such as violin, flute or saxophone.
Choosing the music and instrumentation for a secular wedding service.
The secular wedding ceremony is a relatively new phenomenon in the UK. You have the freedom to choose from a much wider selection of music, from traditional to modern, to make your particular ceremony unique. But where do you begin? If you're stuck for ideas, visit Hop Till You Drop’s Wedding Music Guide. There's a wealth of info regarding resources available on The Internet to "get you on the right track", so to speak.
The range of musical styles that will fit the bill in the secular setting is broader. Traditional folk tunes, classic modern love themes, tried and tested jazz standards may all possibly suit your style. Intimate acoustic duos and trios will suit a small gathering. If the venue is large, a fuller band will be needed to make sufficient impact.
Be aware, also, that strictly sacred music cannot as a rule be used outside a religious setting. When you've made your musical selection, do run it past the officiating registrar to make sure that it is acceptable.
About The Author
Jennie Evans runs Hop Till You Drop, a company that provides music of all styles and types for weddings, birthday parties and corporate events in the UK. To find out more about all aspects of wedding music planning and to get up-to-date info on live music for weddings in the UK, why don't you check out Hop Till You Drop Wedding Music Services ? Hop Till You Drop is a company run by musicians, so you can be sure that all the important aspects of your live wedding music will be attended to by knowledgeable, experienced professionals.
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