The wedding speech, when well thought out, rehearsed and properly delivered, could bring a wedding reception or dinner to life. A good wedding speech will entertain and make the guests feel great about being present for the celebration. Here are a few tips for writing your own wedding speech if you don't have any idea what to say.
Thank Anyone Important
A wedding is an ideal occasion to thank many people. Name the people you want to give thanks to and why. For example, if you are the best man, you can thank the groom for being his best friend. If you are the bride, you can thank your parents for raising you to be independent and smart.
Tell a Story
People like to hear stories about other people. Say something you know about the person you will be talking about because you were also there when it happened, or even if you had only heard about it. For example, you and the groom went to the same college but attended lectures late, if at all in the mornings because you both played poker all night long. The groom won often and made enough to pay for one semester's tuition.
Give a History Lesson
This is very similar to telling a story. Go over the significant milestones, if you are familiar with them, about this person, the bride or groom. That would include the schools they attended, the jobs they had or the hobbies they are in to.
Disclose a Secret
Everyone likes to hear and tell secrets. Say something no one knows about the person you will be talking about but may be surprised to find out. For example, tell the guests that the bride once auditioned for a popular television show. Or, that the groom had a crush on his third grade school teacher, who by the way is a guest tonight.
Say Something Funny
Any occasion would be fun if humor were part of it. If you can make people laugh with a funny story, everyone will feel like they are having a good time and enjoy themselves.
You can't force a laugh. However, the stories you tell or the situations you describe can end up getting a few guests chuckling without you trying to make it funny.
Give Unsolicited Advice
It's customary for someone to give the newlyweds some advice. The most common is anything on marriage. If you are making a speech and you are married, you can share your wisdom on how to be a good spouse. A common advice is to resolve your argument before you both go to sleep. Another would be that the wife is always right. Although these examples are important, admittedly they have been over-used. What you can do, if you can't think of advice that no one else has ever told, is to make these original or unique by describing how the advice has helped you in your own marriage.
Reveal Your Feelings
You can express your feelings about the people you will be talking about in your speech. If you are the father of the bride, tell your daughter how proud you are of her and that you will always be there for her. In addition, you can tell your new son-in-law how happy you are to have him as a new member of the family.
Get the Audience Involved
This idea is a bit unconventional and almost crosses into the job of the MC, however you might consider getting the audience involved by asking questions about the couple. You can ask about the craziest thing the couple has ever done. Or, you can ask about why they would make a good couple. You can come up with any opened ended question that requires some explaining. Some would be glad to participate just to be the life of the party. By doing this, you'll loosen up the crowd and make the celebration all the more fun.
You should consider it an honor and a privilege if asked to make a speech at a wedding reception. The newlywed's family asked you because they trust you and have respect in you. They know that they can count on you to do a good job. Your moment to shimmer in the spotlight is near. Good luck and have fun.
Copyright © 2006 By Leroy Chan
About The Author
Leroy Chan
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