Thursday, July 19, 2007

Wedding in Cyprus!

by: George Georgiou

Legalities and Documents required for Getting Married In Cyprus:

We put your mind at ease firstly by saying that your marriage is definitely legal also in the U.K. , Cyprus law does however require the following legal 'stuff' to proceed and allow your marriage to take place without any problems:

Absolute essentials:

Þ You will need to be in Paphos for at least 3 working days (we suggest 5) before the actual wedding takes place. This is excluding the day you arrive, weekends, public holidays etc.)

Þ Each of you need a valid 10-year passport not due to expire within 6 months.

Please have photocopies of all pages related to the contents / information in your passports.

Þ Each of you need to have your own 'Single Status Declaration' which confirms that you are free to get married.

This must include:

- your name, address, nationality, religion, passport number and occupation

- must state whether you are single, divorced or widowed

- must state that you intend to get married in Cyprus

- must be signed by a U.K. solicitor, stating 'Solicitor' on the document.

Þ Scottish Nationals should obtain a 'Certificate of Impediment' from the local registry office in place of the declaration.

Þ If divorced, please have a copy of the 'decree absolute' and if Catholic please have a copy of the marriage annulment.

Þ If widowed, you need a copy of the death certificate.

Þ If under 18, please have parental consent stamped and signed by a solicitor.

Þ Proof of name change will be needed by Deed Poll stamped and signed by a solicitor.

Þ Birth Certificates

Þ Adoption certificates if adopted

Þ For Anglican weddings and Catholic weddings:

- at least of the two must be baptized or christened into the Christian faith.

Þ Irish Nationals and passport holders require a 'Freedom to marry' Certificate from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Irish Embassy in England.

We want your wedding to run smoothly and effortlessly for you and our aim is for bride and groom to be happy and joyful on this sacred day. We ask you to please provide us with photocopies of all the relevant documents at least 6 weeks prior to your arrival in Cyprus. Originals must be brought with you.

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