Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Tips For Your Fun And Cheap Wedding Centerpiece Idea

by: Suzanne Daykin

Fed up with flowers or candles for your cheap wedding centerpiece idea, or find they are just too much like every other wedding you go to then help is here.

Help in the form of you, that is you from your childhood when nothing else mattered but having the latest toy or craze. Think back to the days when you saved all your pocket money to ensure you were the coolest kid in the playground, how good would it be to have that feeling back? I am not talking the latest games console but inspiration for your cheap wedding centerpiece idea.

Having games and gadgets at the table is a great ice breaker and can easily set the tone for a relaxed and fun wedding reception. Make a space in the middle of your table for the games and away we go.

Games that work well are ones that everyone can play, play quickly and that they have played before. Lego, pick up sticks, trump cards, marbles, tiddlywinks. With the building toys you could set each table a challenge; make a wedding cake or a limousine, use your imagination, what are you both into? Bikes, planes, boats etc

The great thing about this cheap wedding centerpiece idea is that it works as a great ice breaker.

To display the games you could have them in a big box or material bag on each table - decorated in your wedding colors.

To take this theme one step further you could have the tables named on the plan for each type of game that you have and don't forget the top table!

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